So, last week foundation walls were poured and waterproofing down on the cement. Next week back fill going in with framing starting the following week... we're trucking along! We've decided definatively on radiant flooring and picked the Rumsford Renaissance zero clearance fireplace. We met with a guy about masonry work and discussed details at length with our contractor. We're meeting with a custom cabinet maker tomorrow in PA and hopefully make some decisions on that front soon. Whew! That on top of super full work schedules!!!!
Dean got new soccer shoes today - the highlight of his week! He's not the only one excited -see pics below.
Ainsley has been talking more about school and seems to be looking forward to going in the fall. She also drew her first capital A the other day. At times she is so mature acting that I can't believe she's only nearly 3 and at other times decompensates into a screaming, tantrum-throwing mess!!!! On the up side, she has been much better with me lately - rarely being as rude as she was a couple months ago.
Ian is sleeping better at last!!! I am hesitant to even say that since it's only been a couple of nights, but now we're only waking once as long as he sleeps the rest of the night in our bed so he can kick me all night! A GREAT improvement to the constant up and down or hours of non-sleep of previous. I woke up this morning to a swift kick that nearly knocked me off the bed and realized I had been balanced on the edge since Ainsley, Dean, Ian, and I were all sandwiched into our bed like a can of sardines! Next bed will DEFINATELY be a KING!!!! Ian is also teething and being a trooper about it - 3 to maybe 4 on top and it looks like another one below.
My life is, as always, a juggling act. I have painfully neglected work to spend more time with the fam and am reminded of that fact daily as my list of to-do's at the office faithfully grows. We have been waiting to enter into our contract with my ex-partner to buy the building and have yet to have a response back. He did buy himself a boat that has consumed all of his time, but we are looking to close the deal so I can start to make some changes. Somewhat frustrating... I have finally weaned off the pump which has been somewhat bittersweet in that I will never breastfeed again. It was definately time though as I was only producing 3 oz a day; a sharp contrast to the 8oz every 4 hours of previous!
Here's a few pics from the week...
Our house as of Sat.
Cute kiddos...