Wow - I cannot believe it's been nearly a month since I published last! As suspected, a lot has happened with the house. Our circle driveway has been completed, insulation and sheet rock are in (they're currently mudding the sheet rock), electrical and plumbing is complete other than finishing, the stone work on the front and fireplace is complete, backfill has been completed, and the decks are up and nearly done. We're looking at a 4 - 8 week window for completion and we could not be more ready!!! Next is painting and cabinetry. Dean & I took a trip to Seattle a couple weeks back to pick out lighting - fun! We're working with the decorator on colors and tile for the kitchen as well as faucets and sinks.
Kiddos are good. Ainsley is officially signed up for U6 soccer in the fall and we'll be doing gymnastics this summer and possibly ballet in the fall. We've been back and forth on the preschool debate and think we'll put her into half days 2 days a week versus the original plan of 3 full days. It's just too long for a 3 year old.
Ian will be one year old in just 5 days! Hard to believe!!! He's on the verge of walking (as he has been for months) and we're eagerly anticipating those first steps. He says mamamama and dadadada, waves and claps, and is a total ham for the camera - talk about a poser!!! He's much more chill than his sis and likes to watch everything happening around him.
Dean & I are busy, as usual, with work. Dean's soccer season wrapped up with his team finishing 4th - a bummer. We're excited to take a 2 day trip to Victoria with a couple friends - without kids!!! Our first night away from Ian ever and from Ainsley since we went to Hawaii - almost 2 years ago!
Not many plans for the 4th - hanging out with the fam and enjoying the time off. Yesterday we had beautiful weather, not so much today :(. I'll try and update pics after Ian's bday!
our circle drive