Saturday, May 15, 2010

Another week

After multiple 12 - 15 hour days at work over the last week, Dean & I have decided to "do something" tomorrow that is not work. Don't know what that will be, but the weather has been gorgeous the last couple days (low 70s and sunny) and I have literally only seen it briefly through the window of my office! Unfortunately, as my pregnancy nears completion and I am supposed to be slowing down, my office is ramping up and I am literally doing the work of 2 doctors every day! At least my relief vet is dependable and people are really taking to her. So much so that we are actually investigating having her come more and then possibly relocate out here on the peninsula- we'll see...

Enough work... Dean taught Ainsley some "new" dance moves when he spent Thursday morning with her. I'll have to video it next time - too funny watching a 2 year old "raise the roof"! "I do it" is a very popular phrase right now and it is difficult to help her do anything once she decides she wants to do it by herself! Another phase we're in is being "nudie". We used to let her run around naked after a bath (stopped after a couple pee/poop incidents - thank goodness for tile floors!!!) and we would call her "nudie bootie". Now she has gotten to the point where she wants to be nudie all the time and lately keeps asking to be "nudie outside" - a combination of her 2 favorite things!!! This evening when we were playing outside she kept referring to herself as "big boy" and no matter how many times I corrected her (No, Ainsley, you're a big girl like Mommy and Mrs. Kelli) she kept telling me that she was in fact a big boy (No, Mommy, I big BOY!). Obviously some rub-off from the Phipps boys she's around every day!!! She has really taken to monkeys lately, no doubt inspired by her bed companion - Curious George. Funny considering that was my nickname when I was little...

My parents noticed in the last entry how it seemed she was a righty, and now watching her more closely, I'll have to agree. For once, I'm in the majority of handedness!!!!

32 weeks tomorrow and really starting the countdown. I'm getting tons of comments now (no nasty ones like last time... yet, at least!) and no one believes it when I tell them July is my due date. Dean thinks he's nesting - he's been in a cleaning frenzy lately and we both want to get some more things organized, ie. closets, garage, since we are now staying in this place for longer than originally anticipated. We've been reading books and talking a lot about the new baby, little brother/big sister scenerio and she has seemed very receptive to it... that is, until earlier in the week when she informed me "I don't want a baby brother". Hmmm... a little late for that! Then tonight the only books she wanted to read were the baby ones - we'll see how it goes!

Dean may be suffering from withdrawal here shortly as his beloved Premier League has ended and the World Cup is still over a month away. Tottenham Hotspurs (his team) managed to finish in 4th, which is exceptionally well (especially for them!!!) and allows them to qualify for all sorts of European tourneys next year. It was a little tense around here for a few days, but luckily all ended well! For Pete's Father's Day gift this year, Dean bought him 3 months of Fox Soccer Channel which has allowed him to watch the end of the season too. It's stimulated many phone calls back and forth about different games and a good deal of sarcasm from Hazel as to the endless amounts of soccer she is now subjected to thanks to Dean!!!

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