Saturday, June 12, 2010

Beautiful Weekend

So summer is definately on it's way as the temperatures finally move into the 70's and the sun makes an appearance!!! I spent Sat am at work, while Dean & Ainsley spent the morning entirely immersed in World Cup World. ONE WHOLE MONTH OF SOCCER - oh my!!!!! Of course, the house was cheering on England

and was mightily disappointed by the ridiculous gift of a goal the goalie gave the US.

The afternoon was spent napping and playing with Ainsley's new water table. We had finally decided last week to buy the Costco playset we've been eyeing the last couple months and of course they were sold out!!! Hoping they come in soon so we can start spending more time outside and staying entertained. Especially with our little man so soon to make an appearance!!! 36 weeks today and counting down the minutes!!! Definately into the uncomfortable phase and ready to meet our little guy. No word from the hospital on a change of VBAC policy, so still planning on July 8th c-section at 7:30am unless we hear differently.

Looking forward to another nice day tomorrow and keeping my fingers crossed that no animals get sick!!! This is my LAST weekend of call until August - woo hoo!!!! In jest, I even said to Dean this am that a couple months off call is almost worth getting pregnant again - he was not so inclined!!!

1 comment:

  1. Only a few more weeks, Heath! Can't wait to see the little dude!!!!
