Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week 4

It was a slow week of work on the house as we waited for the foundation to dry (through numerous rainy days) and prepped the site for this coming week. Framing starts tomorrow!!!! 2-3 weeks for the basement & middle floor and then another 2 weeks for the upstairs. We had a little set back and are back to discussing the pros and cons of radiant heating thanks to the manufacturer's warranty on different wood products. It looks like if we do radiant, african tigerwood flooring will not be able to be warrantied (we're still researching that). Which means we need to pick a different flooring type or a different type of wood - and so far having a difficult time finding a company that will warranty a wood product over radiant. So back to the drawing board - ahhhh!!!!

We did have good news concerning our taxes this week - be barely owe at all!!!! We LOVE our accountant!!!! Last year we owed quite a bit and we had been assuming we would be owing more this year since we made more. So we'd been stocking away some money for that and dreading the meeting with the accountant. However, he had increased my withholding on a monthly basis since last year and that made ALL the difference!!! So now we have more money towards the build and hopefully furniture when we're done!!!! It would be nice to actually have furniture for our house!

Ainsley had a rough start to the week - very naughty. She threw countless tantrums and we couldn't figure out quite what was going on (besides the fact she's nearly 3!). She started eating a TON - like 2 dinners a night and taking extra long naps with full nights of sleep and she seems to have grown an inch! So growing pains refer to much more! Her pants are all getting short but her 3T pants are too long - the life of a "Short"!!!!! After we figured that out, she's been much better behaved and actually quite funny. Her vocabulary continues to amaze us and she's counting to 20 (almost right every time). We've been talking about capital and lowercase letters ("That is NOT a Q Mommy!") and working on recognizing letters better. She's been singing the ABC's for so long, but I think more from memory than actually understanding all the letters.

Ian's still sleeping well - thank goodness!!!! I was about to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore. He's only up once a night and only up long enough to eat. If we weren't all sleeping in a 12 x 12 box, we'd probably just let him cry it out and he could easily make it through the night, but I try to not let it disturb Dean and Ainsley's sleep too much. He's trying to use his legs to crawl more, but he's moving around pretty good using the army crawl. He really wants to stand and walk everywhere - you have to physically bend him at the waist to get him to sit. He's been saying "ma ma" (though not just about me) and growling a lot and his new trick is waving! He discovered the child gate and REALLY wants through it so we are having to be careful about keeping it closed. His little dimple is starting to show in his right cheek, maybe he's thinning out - his weight fell into the 55% last visit, the lowest it has been in his entire life! It's hard to believe he'll be NINE months next week, the time has flown! Even more amazing is that Ainsley will be THREE in a month! Craziness!

Ian pics...

The Williamson's came over on Tuesday for dinner and A & P had a fab time playing in the mud and getting to look at the excavator up close!

The kids weren't the only ones having fun!

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